Earn .25 CTE Credit
Dates: June 14 & 15 OR June 21 & 22*
Ever look around and feel frustrated by the problems you see? And wish someone would fix them? Well, why can't that someone be you? Anyone can learn to be a leader and can gain the skills needed to overcome obstacles and help others reach their fullest potential. Learning to lead will make you a better friend, student, family member, and overall person. Come learn how leadership can change your life and help you become your best self!
Location: Valley High School
*Additional online coursework may be required.
Earn .25 CTE Credit
Dates: June 21 & 22*
This course explores the field of interior design through engaging learning activities.
Location: Valley High School
*Additional online coursework may be required.
Earn .25 CTE Credit
Dates: June 17 & 18*
This course explores how fashion influences everyday life and introduces students to the fashion industry.
Location: Valley High School
*Additional online coursework may be required.
0.5 CTE Credit
From Apparitions to Zombies this is the class for you. We will cover all the INs and OUTs of starting a Haunt with 13 HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES!
Location: TBD