Becki Hulse
Becki says, “These pictures sum up only a portion of what I love. I love taking care of my farm animals - they are my best friends. I love goofing around with my horses and competing in rodeo (yes, I know I'm riding backwards. Trying new things - LOL) - they are my therapy. I love hiking, practicing survival skills, and hunting - it is serenity. I love my family, and I LOVE life. All of it - there's beauty EVERYWHERE!!
However, my bucket list is HUGE. I've got a lot of adventuring to do! Skydive.....ironman a nationals rodeo event......take a Wildhogs Harley Davidsons trip across the nation......bicycle east coast to west coast.....make my own cheese......learn to surf....
Good thing I'm a teacher and have summers off :) “
Class List
Earn .5 Biology and .5 Chemistry Credit
Students will apply chemistry and biology to solve crimes with an emphasis on entomology, serology, and anthropology.
Classes will be held online & In-Person at 4998 Galleria Dr. Murray, Utah 84123